The Story Behind The Games
The Creators
Hello, it's Amanda and Darren, the dynamic duo behind Flip Fusion Games!
Our story started during the Covid lockdown when our business came to a screeching halt thanks to the restrictions, leaving us with a whopping 16 months without income. With backgrounds in Administration and IT, we found ourselves with a lot of free time and plenty of ideas. Darren, in particular, was going stir-crazy without work and eventually took up a few hours at a pub when restrictions eased.
One day, the locals were complaining about the ban of Nottingham's beloved card game, Sticky 13, due to Covid fears. After many animated discussions at home, we thought, "Why not create an app version?" Six months of intense brainstorming and designer meetings later, the app was launched. We were over the moon—until reality struck. The world opened back up, and with cards allowed back in the pubs, our app flopped harder than a bad hand in poker.
Feeling dejected, we found ourselves in our local pub, nursing our sorrows and dissecting what went wrong. Two hours and several glasses of wine later, the idea for Mean 13 was born. We're incredibly grateful to the amazing folks who tested our prototypes over and over until we perfected the game you know and love today.
With Mean 13 thriving, we rolled out Shot 13 and in 2024 we launched 2 new exciting children’s games Dare Dodge and Treat Monster. Our games are available on Amazon in the UK and recently in the US. It's been a journey of small steps, but we are immensely proud of how far we've come and are brimming with optimism for the future.
A massive thank you to everyone who's been with us from the start and believed in us. Cheers to many more games and laughs ahead!